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| <div class="flex relative w-27 h-27"> <input type="file" accept="image/*" capture="user" class="w-27 h-27 z-10 opacity-0"> <van-icon class="cursor-pointer scanCode" size="27" style="font-weight: bold;" name="scan" @click="scanCode" /> </div>
- 主要实现功能的部分还是下面这一段
| <input type="file" accept="image/*" capture="user" class="w-27 h-27 z-10 opacity-0">```
- 解释:通过将其设为0的透明度,配合van-icon的那个scan图标,将其叠加在图标上面,可以实现点击图标,拉起H5的相机。
- 这样做的效果可以实现拍照,但是并不能实现二维码或者是条形码Bar Code的信息扫描
- 拍照之后需要将拍到的照片发给后端进行解析
- 虽然效果不好,但是这样做的话前端是实现是最简单的。
- 这里我有用到两个三方库,一个是
开发环境:Vue3.3 + Vite5 + Vant + zxing/library
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| npm install @zxing/library --save
pnpm install @zxing/library --save
yarn add @zxing/library
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| <template> <div class="page-scan"> <van-nav-bar :title="$t('title.scanBarCode')" fixed @click-left="clickIndexLeft()" class="scan-index-bar"> <template #left> <van-icon name="arrow-left" size="18" color="#fff" /> <span style="color: #fff"> {{ $t('text.cancel') }} </span> </template> </van-nav-bar> <video ref="video" id="video" class="scan-video" autoplay></video> <div v-show="tipShow" class="scan-tip"> {{ tipMsg }} </div> <div v-show="!tipShow" class="scan-tip"> {{ scanText }} </div> </div> </template>
<script lang="ts" setup> import { ref, onUnmounted, onBeforeMount } from 'vue'; import { BrowserMultiFormatReader } from '@zxing/library'; import { useI18n } from 'vue-i18n'; import router from '@/router';
const { t } = useI18n();
const scanText = ref() const decodeFromInputVideoFunc = (firstDeviceId) => { codeReader.value.reset(); scanText.value = ''; codeReader.value.decodeFromInputVideoDeviceContinuously(firstDeviceId, 'video', (result: any, err: string) => { tipMsg.value = t('hint.tryToScan'); scanText.value = ''; if (result) { console.log('扫描结果', result); scanText.value = result.text; if (scanText.value) { tipShow.value = false; } } if (err && !(err)) { tipMsg.value = t('hint.scanFail'); setTimeout(() => { tipShow.value = false; }, 2000) console.error(err); } }); }
const tipMsg = ref(t('hint.callingCamera')) const tipShow = ref(false) const codeReader: any = ref(null); const openScan = async () => { console.log('codeReader', codeReader.value) codeReader.value.getVideoInputDevices().then((videoInputDevices: any) => { tipShow.value = true; tipMsg.value = t('hint.callingCamera'); let firstDeviceId = videoInputDevices[0].deviceId; const videoInputDeviceslablestr = JSON.stringify(videoInputDevices[0].label); if (videoInputDevices.length > 1) { if (videoInputDeviceslablestr.indexOf('back') > -1) { firstDeviceId = videoInputDevices[0].deviceId; } else { firstDeviceId = videoInputDevices[1].deviceId; } } decodeFromInputVideoFunc(firstDeviceId); }).catch((err: string) => { tipShow.value = false; console.error(err); }); }
const openScanTwo = async () => { codeReader.value = await new BrowserMultiFormatReader(); codeReader.value.getVideoInputDevices().then((videoInputDevices) => { tipShow.value = true; tipMsg.value = t('hint.callingCamera'); let firstDeviceId = videoInputDevices[0].deviceId; const videoInputDeviceslablestr = JSON.stringify(videoInputDevices[0].label); if (videoInputDevices.length > 1) { if (videoInputDeviceslablestr.indexOf('back') > -1) { firstDeviceId = videoInputDevices[0].deviceId; } else { firstDeviceId = videoInputDevices[1].deviceId; } } decodeFromInputVideoFunc(firstDeviceId); }).catch((err: string) => { tipShow.value = false; console.error(err); }); }
const clickIndexLeft = () => { codeReader.value = null; router.back(); }
onBeforeMount(() => { codeReader.value = new BrowserMultiFormatReader(); openScan(); })
onUnmounted(() => { console.log("销毁组件"); }) </script>
<style lang="scss" scoped> .scan-index-bar { background-image: linear-gradient(-45deg, #42a5ff, #59cfff); }
.van-nav-bar__title { color: #fff !important; }
.scan-video { display: flex; flex: 1; }
.scan-tip { margin: 10px 0; width: 100%; text-align: center; color: white; font-size: 5vw; }
.page-scan { display: flex; flex-direction: column; overflow-y: hidden; background-color: #363636; } </style>
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| hint: { inputWaybillNum: '請輸入運單號', inputGoodsSearch: '請輸入商品名稱/代碼', copySuc: '複製成功', copyFail: '複製失敗', addFailCaseByLeftFull: '新增失敗,倉庫暫無剩餘了', tryToScan: '正在嘗試掃描...', scanFail: '掃描識別失敗', callingCamera: '正在調用攝像頭...', ScanResults: '掃描結果' }
- 上面这段代码只能在localhost或者是https环境下执行,但是一般我们本地调试的话,都是通过内网,电脑和手机连同一个WiFi或者局域网,实现手机真机调试H5。
- 局域网一般都是http协议为多,所以要调试的话需要对浏览器进行安全性白名单放行和调整。
- 解决方案也不难,可以参考一下https://blog.csdn.net/qq_40905132/article/details/126520190
- 简单来说就是浏览器输入: chrome://flags/ ,然后Ctrl + F 查:Insecure origins treated as secure
- 查到之后在输入框把要白名单的http链接输入之后,按右边的按钮改为Enabled就行了
- 第二种方案可以用html5-qrcode来实现,但是实现效果貌似没有第一种好。
- 首先安装html5-qrcode
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| npm install html5-qrcode --save
pnpm install html5-qrcode --save
yarn add html5-qrcode
- 然后是参考代码
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| <template> <div class="container"> <div id="reader"></div> </div> </template>
<script setup lang="ts"> import { onMounted, ref, onUnmounted } from 'vue'; import { useRouter } from 'vue-router'; import { Html5Qrcode } from 'html5-qrcode'; import { Html5QrcodeResult, CameraDevice } from '../../../type';
let cameraId = ref(''); let devicesInfo = ref<any>(''); let html5QrCode: any = ref<any>(null); const router = useRouter();
onMounted(() => { getCameras(); });
onUnmounted(() => { stop(); });
const getCameras = () => { Html5Qrcode.getCameras() .then((devices: CameraDevice[]) => { console.log('摄像头信息', devices); if (devices && devices.length) { if (devices.length > 1) { cameraId.value = devices[1].id; } else { cameraId.value = devices[0].id; } devicesInfo.value = devices; start(); } }) .catch((err) => { console.log('获取设备信息失败', err); }); }; const start = () => { html5QrCode = new Html5Qrcode('reader'); html5QrCode .start( cameraId.value, { fps: 10, qrbox: { width: 250, height: 250 }, }, (decodedText: string, decodedResult: Html5QrcodeResult) => { console.log('扫描的结果', decodedText, decodedResult); }, (errorMessage: any) => { console.log('暂无额扫描结果', errorMessage); } ) .catch((err: any) => { console.log(`Unable to start scanning, error: ${err}`); }); }; const stop = () => { html5QrCode .stop() .then((ignore: any) => { console.log('QR Code scanning stopped.', ignore); }) .catch((err: any) => { console.log('Unable to stop scanning.', err); }); }; </script>
<style lang="scss" scoped> .container { position: relative; height: 100%; width: 100%; max-width: 100%; background: rgba($color: #000000, $alpha: 0.48); } #reader { top: 50%; left: 0; transform: translateY(-50%); } </style>